Thursday, October 8, 2009

Interbike, Part III - Pictures

Been busy lately and totally forgot to get these posted. So here are some highlights of mine from Interbike:

I don't know who the Garmin rider is on the left, but Christian Vande Velde is pretty recognizable. These guys, plus Dave Zabriskie, just happened to be signing autographs at the Vittoria/3T booth.

Dave didn't want to emphasize the height difference so he decided to stand on his chair for the picture. You can't tell from this picture but DZ's shoulders are probably narrower than
his waist; no wonder he's fast on his TT bike.

Lunch courtesy of Clif Bar...espresso from this guy.

The Ouch guys were hanging out at the Kuota booth. John Murphy (US Crit Champ), Rory Sutherland and Floyd Landis were all interested in the
Metrigear product.

Hung out with Bob Parlee for a few minutes. He actually remembered when the order for my frame came through his shop almost two years ago. Bob was kind enough to spend time listening to my feedback on his frame and what I'd do differently with my next Parlee frame.

1 comment:

  1. I Liked this post. It was well-written. Thanks for sharing this wonderful information....
